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Feb. 03, 2022: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 02-03-22/Feb. 03, 2022: Institutional Advancement
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Feb. 03, 2022: Institutional Advancement

Area report for Board of Trustees

Institutional Advancement furthers an awareness of and appreciation for Highline College by communicating with diverse constituencies, building and strengthening relationships and encouraging participation in and support of college programs and initiatives.

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners.

Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work:

  • Engages the community and builds relationships to cultivate future students
  • Recruits students
  • Supports students as they persist in their education
  • Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials
  • Engages with them as alumni
  • Shares their stories
  • Builds sustainable support

Media mentions

Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

“Highline College operations and campus closed through Dec. 30” –– The Seattle Times, 12/29/21

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

“State-by-state colleges requiring COVID-19 vaccines, boosters” –– University Business, 01/18/22

“Science and the scientific method: Definitions and examples” –– Live Science, 01/16/22

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:

Ask the Experts” –– WalletHub, 01/18/22

“Dr. Yoshiko Harden Appointed As Interim President of Seattle Central”  –– The Seattle Medium, 01/05/2022

“King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg will not seek re-election” –– The Waterland Blog, 01/08/2022

Note: Campus events and athletics also receive coverage but are usually not included in this recap.


High School Geofencing

Geofencing digital display advertising campaign targeting all high schools in our service area.

Campaign runs all of January and February. Purpose: Build awareness of Highline College to all high school students in our service area and encourage them to learn more about Highline before graduation from high school or enroll in our Running Start program.

Theater Ads

15 second pre-roll video ad displayed on all screens prior to start of movie. Ad is shown at Century Federal Way 16, AMC Southcenter 16 and Regal Parkway Plaza 12.

Run dates: Oct. 18 – Jun. 26.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of spring quarter start date. Ad will be updated throughout campaign.

Digital Display Ads

Bundled with theater ad campaign, digital display ads displayed throughout network of popular websites. Ads targeted only to our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: Oct. 18 – Jun. 26. Purpose: General promotion of Highline and our new Degree Pathways.

OTT (over-the-top) Streaming Media Services Ad

Bundled with theater ad campaign, 15 second video ad running across multiple streaming services, devices and apps such as Apple TV, Sling TV, Hulu, ESPN, MTV, MSNBC, ESPN, Comedy Central, and many others. Ad targeted only to our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: Oct. 18 – Jun. 26.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of spring quarter start date. Ad will be updated throughout campaign.


Display ad with “run-of site” positioning on every page of this popular community news site.

Run dates: Oct. 26 – Jan. 21.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and our new Degree Pathways.


15 second pre-roll ad: Promotional video ad targeting 18- to 38-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: Oct. 14 – Jan. 3.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of winter quarter start date.


Instagram/Facebook Stories Ad: 10 second interstitial ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: November 16 – January 7.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and winter quarter start date

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: Video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college.

Run dates: November 2 – January 6.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and winter quarter start date

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: Video ad using a custom audience of only those who have applied and been accepted to Highline but did not enroll in classes for fall quarter 2021 or winter quarter 2022.

Run dates: December 16 – January 7.  Purpose: Reinforce Highline to those who have already applied with a reminder of winter quarter start date.

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: Ad targeting parents with children in high school within our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: January 21 – March 25.  Purpose: Specifically target parents of high school students and encourage them to attend an upcoming Running Start information session with their student.

Instagram Stories Ad: 10 second interstitial ad targeting 15- to 18-year-old high school students within our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: January 20 – March 18. Purpose: Promotion of our Running Start program and upcoming information sessions.


10 second interstitial ad: Ad targeting 16- to 30-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes with high school diploma and/or some college.

Run dates: November 15 – January 7. Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of winter quarter start date.

10 second interstitial ad: Ad targeting 15- to 18-year-old high school students within our nine service area postal codes

Run dates: January 20 – March 18 Purpose: Promotion of our Running Start program and upcoming information sessions


Proposal Submitted:

  • SBCTC, Expanding Enrollment and Completion in AAS Substance Use Disorder Professional Programs, $150,000, 2 year funding. Jennifer Johnston working with Teresa Pan on this project.
  • Aspen Prize Proposal. The $1 million Prize purse is divided by the Prize Jury between the winner – which in most years has been $600,000 – and finalists with distinction and rising star winners – which typically receive $100,000. In addition, the Prize winner received substantial recognition in the national press, among peer colleges, and within their states. Winning colleges have reported outcomes from that recognition including substantial grants from philanthropists, increased ability to advocate for support from their state legislatures and governors, and a boost in recruiting staff and faculty.

Proposal Funded:

  • Department of Commerce, College Accredited Courses for Disadvantaged Adults. $90,000 year 1, $142,500 year 2. The grant involves:
  • Hiring a FT Program Navigator to recruit 57 new students for a HOST/Human Services degree program. Students will learn both hard skills and human service skills to prepare them for working with homeless and housing insecure individuals.
  • Providing stipends to HOST and Human Services faculty to develop and manage an 18 credit Certification Program
  • Providing academic and non-academic students supports to assure retention and completion
  • Close collaboration with Catholic Community Services who will assign staff to support recruitment and placement of graduates into homeless facilities such as Plymouth Housing, Hopelink, Multi Service Center, Chief Seattle Club, Catholic Housing Services, Mary’s Place, and Downtown Emergency Service Center
  • SBCTC, Expanding Enrollment and Completion in AAS Substance Use Disorder Professional Programs, $155,036, 2 year funding. Jennifer Johnston worked with Teresa Pan and Dave O’Keeffe on this project.

Report submitted January 27, 2022, by Vice President Josh Gerstman