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Jan. 14, 2021: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 01-14-21, President's Office/Jan. 14, 2021: President’s Office
2021-01-08T13:08:31+00:00 Print Page

Jan. 14, 2021: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Board Members,

Happy new year!  I hope you were able to spend time over the holidays connecting with family and friends and enjoying some relaxation.  I was fortunate to connect with family and take time to reflect on a challenging year, professionally and personally.

I wanted to highlight a few items as we begin our winter quarter.  Our staff and faculty have been preparing for classes, orientations and welcoming our students to Highline (returning and new ones).  I always find the beginning of each quarter exciting and despite our challenges due to COVID and our remote instruction and service delivery, I continue to marvel at our campus community and the great deal of time and energy our staff and faculty put forth in giving our students that best possible experience.

And while this preparation is continuing, this week has been extremely challenging due to events in Washington D.C.  The events at the capitol, while tragic and devastating, also reinforces our work as educators and advocates for our students – more than ever before.  And as our state legislature soon returns to session, we have a monumental task ahead of us – advocating for fiscal resources to support and advance the dreams and goals of our students, staff and faculty.  The upcoming months will be crucial for higher education in Washington and throughout the country.  I look forward to speaking with legislators locally and nationally to further explain why this work is imperative for our students, present and future.  And I look forward to working with the Board through conversation and collaboration.

Here’s to a good winter quarter!

Report submitted Jan. 08, 2021, by President John R. Mosby, Ph.D.