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Jan 12, 2023: Meeting Minutes

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Jan 12, 2023: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson absent, Trustee Johnson

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Gabrielle Bachmeier for Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker. Tim Wrye.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 9:04 a.m.

Discussion Topics

Mission Fulfillment Report 101, Emily Coates (60 minutes)

MFR Report

Emily reported on the evolution of the Mission Fulfillment Report (MFR) at Highline College, changes in accreditation standards, and the development of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) and the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) process. Provided a walkthrough on how to read and interpret the MFR.

Recommendation from Trustee Exstrom to avoid acronyms in the color key for accessibility

Trustee Exstrom requested more information on how this document will impact the strategic planning process. Danielle Slota to send the updated strategic planning crosswalk/overview document once finalized. A draft was shared in December.

Trustee Savusa advocated for an opportunity for students to participate and serve on the committee

Trustee Bowman asked how/when the data becomes actionable. Emily Coates spoke to the data impacting the priorities that we set quarterly.

Legislative Advocacy & Priorities, Josh Gerstman and Shakira Ericksen (20 minutes)



VP Gerstman asked Trustee Johnson his perspective on how to elevate messages from the President’s Office to legislators. He recommended to avoid a flooding of emails and instead send messages FROM more people. Recommendation is to send messages from the President and the trustees as a group message. Recommended that we regularly speak to Highline’s diversity and the diversity of our district.

Shakira Ericksen shared upcoming events for Trustees

  • Transforming Lives Dinner in Olympia on Jan. 23
  • Joint delegation in Olympia with WEA on Jan 26
  • South Sound COmm and Tech College Legislative Reception in Olympia on Feb. 1
  • ACCT National Summit in Washington DC on Feb. 5-8

Earmarks / Community funded projects are now back – HC submitting a request for soccer field renovation. Trustee Exstrom commented that Highline School District is in the process of a similar request and recommended that we continue to push for a multi-use community field to increase potential for funding from outside funders.

Talking points with legislators:

  • Wage compensation to retain quality employees
  • Advocate for capital budget across the system
  • Soccer field
  • Washington State Future Fund HB 1094 & 5125
  • Thanks yous for DEI funding and efforts

Commencement 2022-23, Dr. Jamilyn Penn (10 Minutes)

Commencement to occur on campus as the past two years based on graduate feedback. Dr. Penn shared some of the collected feedback.

Trustees shared feedback that incorporating families and a LARGE celebration is necessary.

Trustee Johnson offered himself as a thought partner in the commencement planning process.

Tenure Review Process, Dr. Emily Lardner (10 minutes)

Dean Bachmeier presented the process on behalf of Dr. Lardner and encouraged trustees to contact Carrie Davidson with process questions sooner than later.

Meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Swenson absent

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Summer Korst. Tim Wrye absent.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 11:13 a.m.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of Dec. 8, 2022 – Trustee Exstrom motioned, Trustee Savusa seconded, motion carried unanimously

Opportunity for public comment


Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College – Mahad Dahir

Welcomed Juliette Kern, Associate Dean for Student Life. Recognized Student Leader of the Month, Jacob Weber. Spoke to the S&A budget for the ‘23-24 academic year, looking forward to upcoming presentations. Encouraged the community to attend MLK events next week.

  • Washington Public Employees Association – none
  • Highline College Education Association – James Peyton

Faculty getting students started with winter quarter, advising, and teaching. Engaged in service, tenure committees, and the MLK planning committee. Department Coordinators are busy communicating as a key part of the college’s ability to respond to student needs. With the start of the legislative session faculty union is listening closely and looking to college administration and trustees to stay in communication with legislators about the importance of wage increases for faculty and staff.

  • Faculty Senate – Gayatri Sirohi

Gayatri Sirohi introduced herself as the winter quarter chair for Faculty Senate and will bring updates next month

  • Highline College Foundation – Sherri Keller

Welcomed the newest director, Sheri Chun, actively recruiting several more. Annual newsletter was mailed. Audit is newly completed with more learning opportunities.

VP Gerstman welcomed Sharon Vail as the new Director of Philanthropy. VP Gerstman noted that they would like to schedule 1:1s for the trustees and Sharon.

Action items


Area reports

Administrative Services: VP Dr. Michael Pham

Expressed gratitude to previous ED Human Resources, Summer Korst, for preparing the Get Inclusive Training that many staff participated in during the recent professional enrichment day.

Second quarter financial report to come in the month of February

Academic Affairs: Dean Bachmeier on behalf of VP Dr. Emily Lardner

Academic Affairs staff and faculty had the opportunity to participate in intensive meetings this week with Achieving the Dream Coach, Susan Mayer. Highlighted the the Ensuring Academic Health Program and Relevancy session and the Aligning external partnerships with institutional strategic priorities session.

Trustee Bowman asked about the staff/faculty outlined in the report that recently received professional development. He requested details on how employees were selected to receive funding for the highlighted training.

Student Services: Interim VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn

Spoke to King County Promise and a partnership with Highline Public Schools titled Becoming A Man. Aiming to increase capacity for up to 100 black and brown males.

Celebrated that the Office of Financial Aid is officially fully staffed and lines/wait times have seen a quick reduction. One of the few financial aid offices in the state that are fully staffed right now. Celebrated Director Soltis and Associate Dean Allen Jr in their recruitment.

Spoke to visit with Susan Mayer and the Keep, Stop, Start exercise she led to help influence decision making and forward movement.

Trustee Exstrom requested of jpenn@highline.edu and mpham@highline.edu ISP enrollment details to be provided during the February meeting as they relate to our investments in ISP, current impacts, and projected impacts.

Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

Shared that he will be absent in February and Raechel Dawson will represent IA. Shared that some money raised for direct student scholarship support, while some is raised with specific earmarks for areas such as ACHIEVE, Athletics, etc. Actively working on cultivating a group of individuals that are general donors for student supports. Most recently we have a new donor that has donated $150k with $100k specifically earmarked for students who have earned 45 credits or more and have identified a specific degree track, and $50k for emergency funds.

Trustee Savusa commented that he appreciates the stories of community that our communications team focus on.

President’s remarks

Highlighted Human Resources staff, specifically Leslea Berg for her behind the scenes work with recruitment. Noted that Dr. Deigo Luna will be sending a campus update on the VP of Transformation position soon.

Unscheduled business


New business



General Session was adjourned at 12:09 p.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from January 12, 2023, were approved and signed into record by Chair Bowman and President John R. Mosby on Feb. 23, 2023

Mission Statement: As a South King County college striving for social justice, Highline College partners with global students as they envision, plan and achieve their educational and professional goals..