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Jan. 09, 2020: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 01-09-20/Jan. 09, 2020: Institutional Advancement
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Jan. 09, 2020: Institutional Advancement

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners (core theme 3, objective 1).
Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work:
· Recruits students (core theme 2, objective 2)
· Supports students as they persist in their education (core theme 1, objective 1)
· Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials (core theme 1, objective 3)
· Engages with them as alumni (core theme 3, objective 2)
· Shares their stories (Core theme 3, objective 1)
· Builds sustainable support (core them 4, objective 2)

To these ends, examples of our work in November are highlighted by:

Website visits: 110,186
Outreach inquiries: 20
Donations: $34,030.40

Media mentions: 5
Events: 1
Number of gifts: 79
Advertisements: 5
Event attendance: 40
Alumni gifts: 14
Graphics design projects for campus: 18

Media Coverage

Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline is a secondary focus or has a significant mention:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:

Note: Campus events and athletics also receive coverage, but are usually not included in this recap.

Social media highlights:

  • Instagram: reached 2,000+ followers in November.
  • Facebook: Began social media #GivingTuesday campaign to raise money for the Black & Brown Male Summit Scholarship.


Bus Advertising
We continued to get extra run time on external and inside display ads on King County Metro buses. The campaign was to officially end July 28 but the ads stayed up through mid-December at no additional cost.
Purpose: General awareness, increase admissions.

NCM Theater ads
Our 15 second on-screen, pre-trailer ad continues to run in five area theaters: Auburn 17, Century Federal Way, Kent Station 14, Southcenter 16 and Gateway 8. The campaign runs through July of 2020.
Purpose: General awareness, increase admissions.

NCM Digital component
We also continue to run multiple web display ads to complement the in-theater ads. The ads appear on mobile and desktop devised of those who have visited the above four theaters with their mobile device’s location service turned on. This campaign also runs through July of 2020.
Purpose: General awareness, increase admissions. 

Boosted video post. Ran December 9 – 23
Purpose: Awareness of winter quarter start date and it’s not too late to register.

Boosted video post and Stories ad. Ran December 9 – 23
Purpose: Awareness of winter quarter start date and it’s not too late to register.


Level 2 engagement (college programs and pathways for targeted students, multiple visits with follow up) 10-20 students

  • College night for Latinx families

Other News
New Staff

  • Blake Stagner – Web Designer/Front End Developer
  • Dave O’Keeffe – Grants Analysts/Researcher

Report submitted by Vice President Josh Gerstman on Jan. 06, 2020